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Thursday, July 29, 2010
8:08 AM

The last night of the camp was a memorable one. We have lots of fun like cheering , E.g." i feel so good AH AH~ (X2). I feel so good(X3) AH AH~"

Every classes need to perform a few cheers during the campfire, every student participated.

We have some competitions among each classes. From each class we need a guy and a lady to comepete by following the dance steps of the trainer in front.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
7:42 AM

Sec 2 camp- Day 2.

It was a tiring day . We had done a lots of challenging activities ,which requires lots of energy . We had our first activity which is called the challenge valley . We have to clear the tire obstacle , and characters like the Tarzan and Jane was used. This activity involves a lot of teamwork as we had to get helps from our fellow classmates .
This activity teach us to be brave , ready to face any difficulties and to trust one another.
We then proceed to the Milo pond and almost the whole class participated in the activity.
Some of our fellow classmates failed to climb over one of the rope station but with determination they got up and tried the station once again. The third activity is about team–building to bond our relationship and understand each others strengths and needs.
Before lunch , half of the classmates did abseiling while the other half did flying-fox. All of them enjoyed it.
For rock-climbing, one of our classmate prove that girls are equal to task by reaching the top of the rock wall.
Confidence rope course was the last activity before we had our dinner. It was very challenging but most of our classmates who volunteered were able to overcome the obstacles and fear.
After dinner, we had our night walk. It is really very muddy and scary. As we were not allowed to take out our torchlight. We were unable to see what we are stepping on. With the trainers and classmates working together we were able to complete it safely.

Done by : The same bloggers :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
7:23 AM

Greetings ,

For the first day of our camp, we arrived at around 10am at the sarimbun campsite.
We firstly bulid a tent for the FIRST time in our life.Our hands were EXTREMELY tired plus pain. The weather was very hot but we finally overcome it with our teamwork and helps by other classmates. After having our lunch we procceded to the first activity , THE WALL.
With our teamworks , brains and many helps from our classmates ,we manage to overcome the wall . For the first round we had tried but failed to achieve the limited time that the trainer wanted but in the end we had achieve 4 min 56 sec . We had the second activity , KAYAKING.
This time round we had to team up with a boy/girl . AGAIN , teamwork is needed in this activity but girl is quite relaxing as boys do most of the kayaking :P After all the activities we were all sweaty ,tired and DIRTY! We procceded to shower and had our dinner . Before our refreshments we need to do makan' cheers before we can procced to eat.

After eating we MUST wash our own plates . The water VERY dirty and oily making our plates so oily and unhygenic . WASH ALREADY LIKE NEVER WASH AH!

Done by: Corlina, Min Jing, Sue xin and Jia qi.


Hello (:
Welcome to 2N4 blog ! xDD

Some ground rules to be set ! ;
One : Leave a tag , With YOUR special name (:
Two : Link , If possible :]( don link to porn sites )
Three : Dont spam , you spam you MATI !
Four : NO consuming of food & drinks are allowed.
You or drink you also MATI
Five : NO VULGARITIES you write at our chatbox that thing, Even GOD or JESUS can't save you.

AND all the people must read our post!
Enjoy your stay eh ! (:
THANK YOUs. * bows ** bows *


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2E8's camp blog

Sweet Memories

July 2010

